Archives for invasive plants

Garlic Mustard: Destructive Weed or Healthful Herb?

Ann Cool, staff writer, Randall & Associates Publishing, LLC Depending on where you live the garlic mustard plant can be a pesky weed or a healthful herb. On this continent, garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata), a member of the mustard family, is a weed that destroys neighborhood gardens, and threatens trailways and forests. In Europe, Asia and northwestern Africa, it is an herb that has culinary and medicinal uses. The plant is known by a variety of names–Jack-by-the-hedge, garlic root, hedge garlic, sauce-alone, Jack-in-the-bush, penny hedge and poor man’s mustard. Ever since it was introduced by settlers to the U.S. in
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Categories: Invasive Pests.